Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Magi - The Lost Chapters Of Beholgnar - The Diaries Of Endless Battle - 1 -Prologue

             The Tales Of Greatness.
                                                                       The Lost  
                                                                     Chapters Of
         The Beginning
A war had led all the kingdoms. The gore and the bloodshed lied the scene. There were screams of agony throughout the land. A  surprised attack it truly was and had been unexpected. Many had died of there own  disputes. And,as high as the forests was flames to be seen from different distances. There had been horror and negation everywhere,until,a power had come about a couple royal's. They had no clue of there very fate's but this is known , they had each taken up there own oaths to rid of  evil. However, have they not a clue that they would one day power together and save there homelands, they settled out in search for there own justice's and met each-other along the way.Who are these powerful one's who saved the night and the land you ask?They are The Power Of Three!
                                           The Nobled Warrior
A Warrior quickly stands a room. The room is patterned with bookshelves presenting great expensive goods. On a book shelf to his left display's some Skillful books and a agile Longsword. The other side to his right on a  different bookshelf show's a potion assortment of many sums,shapes and sizes. In the center of the plat lies an oak table with a candle lighting the entire surround escape. The Three unusual candles look the doors and a chandelier of the candle hangs above the table. The table appears to be made of some sort of timber,logged and shaped. The tiles are tiled also of wood and of various types,some unknown. steel bars brace each door as a divide into each room,"even his thumbnail is nimble and well crafted".He begins to walk through the structure approaching a head on forward to a halt. Afterwords, he pulls his blade of steel sharp with shinning, glimmer and spangle. The angle of the glow sets just perfectly off its steel hard from the candle's shimmer. morally, with authority he appears in all etiquette Armor. When he turns to face the iron handle, with an Standard keystroke of the not your normal wood door, and with speedy expertise, he inhales deeply sounding about his entrance with the thump of each beat of his royal strong heart. The knob turns and the unimaginable leaves his right plate pauldron to battled stance dodging a-fast a searing ball of flame. His training is hard but his practice is experted by it. He strikes with what is no other of a word than a critical hit. It appears to be that he struck a skeletal sorcerer being standing hunched,and prepped. He swing's again with expertise of an athlete dropping the skeleton and reporting back to his belonging ready for service "sworn to oath".Thus,With all that he does and trains for makes him not only noble but also a warrior.
                                 Trouble in Baholgnars Cove
The sight of a guard tall and disciplined catches her hood sight. The princess was still where she had left her a day ago after her renewed arrival. Magi,did you get what i asked for?Yes! It is right here.
She held it a moment and said "indeed it is a Tiger Fish. This is by far the smallest catch but it will do. OK,"Magi" you fulfilled your end of the bargain and now i will complete mine. Alyssa Cunningham is whom you seek an audience with "she speaks the shores language. Wait!,before you go i do have one more favor to ask of you. This favor is of the utmost greatest importance. Baholgnar is in danger. There is more than rumor going around.And', Magi I am afraid you will not be able to do this alone. Here!Take my finest warrior and go.    
                   The Spirit and the Shores                           
                              of Titus
Magi had exited to the afternoon sunburn.
A  letter had been wedged in her pocket.
               It Reads
Ah,Thank you for responding to my letter,Magi.
I am Lady Brute.
Let me put on the affairs.
The spirit of king Brute has went out of control.
His spirit is trying to communicate with Titus.
He will occasionally  attack the people with vengeance in his appearance,but that is only a rumor if i had heard of any.
If you are ever near the Shore's,"do not say anything about Frontier Hold.
You are certainly to be on his revenge list.
It would be more than great-full if you can see into why he's gone so mad.
The cause behind his torment is beyond us all.
I do not know if the Royal Family Of The Frontier or any other person would tally more suspicion.
The major powers of the Shore are,Frontier Hold,Ball Spire,and Castle Mira,you should start there.
I hereby forfeit my own power and my life is now compromised," I am in danger".
Do not mention our conversation to anyone it is more than likely to get us killed.
Good Luck!"And, "great blessing's to you in your travels,Magi."
                                The Ship Wreck
A  bodily stench left them standing along with the name she received from her mother Maggy since the beginning."Magi" Welcome to Baholgnar's Cove.Baholgnar,"is the name of the Sword And Shield Merchant in town. Travelers from all throughout Everwin say that a Girl named Lagia and her grandparent’s Baholgner and Nersa started making swords and shield's long before there was even a single home to be seen about.”And, from the way they tell it,"she would not hesitate to ever question there words about it either."There are other questions she was sure that would come to her attention. A  lady has asked her how she had come so far with the name Versila and she began to explain to her in detail.
         "it went as fallows"
My father Will is an iron worker over seas in the Canyon.
A  war broke out between Candowik Folk and Canawah Slave-Farmers.
The Slave Farmers had overseen victory because the Canyon's walls where still under construction from the just previous war with Garis's Regiment.
My father Talis had then entrusted me with a shipment that was of new item mold and he guaranteed it would bring me to safety.
I say a long while i was on ship having little to eat and a nasty storm blew in.
The storm had battered my fathers ship and wound me ashore here at this merchant with a castle.
And, with that not being all of it, "i was asked by you how i got here".
"Interesting". Well, Ill be on my way young child.
The old women had then left. The day had progressed a good three hours and she hasnt even had a bite to eat. What to do without any place to stay accept on her fathers ship with the shipment. A  fishing line hit the water. Lunch is going to be great!
                   Aldor and The magic Book
There was a merchant at first step. A  handicraft door overlay the setting as high as the top of her mages hat. The image is tattered gleaming of the midday sun. A  clearing appears with a voice that said 'the merchant will now see you'.Great!,We have been waiting since morning broke sunlight beyond the Forest Of The Dead. Albert,Your highness?Yes!The merchant has requested to speak with you privately on the matters of the spirit. Ok.Wait!your a prince, i asked. Yes!I am a prince Magi. Why did you not tell me that you were a prince?Because Magi, The matter of my being royalty was not important. I do mind you that we were sent here to see why the shore spirit has gone so mad," not to discuss an introduction".True.I will now speak with now. Magi, you are free to to do as you wish. And take this book of Magic.I hope this helps you with your studder and god speed you."I shall return".
            An Unexpected Catch
The view is amazing and far out. The waves of Titus Shore sound the City Dirt Roads. There are a few rock pebbles to trip upon if they are not to be careful,"they will fall on one. The door to Amelia’s Gear opens with a much more than awful creek. The Sight of ware's hit her golden brown eye's,blind-fully. Wow",A Sword hung clearly above an oak build table and a couple handcrafted chairs. The glare so bright it beat the sun incoming from the side-window edge.I have to say Afrin that this is a really nice sword mold. It Shined of steel and stayed natural to a  perfect display. How much?Meanwhile, Aldin was still telling  Albert  his tale about how the merchant started with Amelia’s grandparent's when he said. That one! Its not for sale. Why not? Its on display,she asked Because it belonged to Titus The Shore Spirit. Ok,she said Shortly after darting back to the door planning an exit from any more displays that were not for sale,the wind still blew strong and to the east as the way back to the ship was not far nor unreachable. The boat held shipwreck a-float on shore just offset of the harbor of Amelias house made of loggin-wood and carefully chopped shingle chippings.
       The language Of Titus
           and using magic
             She had spoke
I had read the book.
The use of magic is now clear to me.
I had learned my first spell,fireball.
I had also practiced many others.
                They Were
Ice-Bolt       Create Armor          Shield
Speak        Fortify Attribute's   Spell-Shield
Unlock       Mage's Balm       Heal Other
Shock        Lightening            Mage's Fire
Tangle        Catch Spirit         Heal Attribute's
Absorb        Paralysis           Drain Skill's
Spell Drain    Reflect Spell        Lock
Cure All        Levitate              Light
Negotiation    Silence            Far Silence
Firestorm       Ice Storm        Regenerate
Drain Health   Drain Magic     Teleport
Sheep Target  Deep Freeze     Poly-Morph
Dispel Curse   Dispel             Spell Resistance
The studdor of Magi had been no more. She had leveled to a magician in one single night.The power of her mother infused her very existence. The will of her father ran through her and she became not only fast but able to hit any target. And,with that being so,she also mastered her skill to fish for his own food. No one before had done this. She received the princess's blessing and gained Aldor as a companion for permanent travel's. The morning is young. And,the day is already victorious.
                                        Magi's First Battle
A spell is casted. The sound of it echoes. An intelligent antithesis stay's his guard ready for battle,willfully. A  chain of lightening stream's magically from Magi's finger’s. While well intellectually, another spell is carefully prepared and readied. A searing ball of fire show's the room and explodes critically wounding Aldor.  An ever ending pool of magic is then fortified. The source flows easily within her. A  long sword swing's striking the plate helm of Aldor again.swiftly, and near death while still fairly agile,the Sparring end's with a conjured touch of destruction. The battle's over. The,the battle is over. Magi had won her first match. Aldor had promoted her to group leader. The day is great and night is not far. Although,for Aldor, it was an upset. Great match Magi!Thanks,and you weren’t bad yourself. I had you Magi. Yea you did but only up until i paralyzed you. True,you did. Magi and Aldor shook hand’s. Shortly after they headed back to the ship,they had fell asleep top-deck. The mourning was now on there new agenda.
          The Titus Catch
There was starlight still in the atmosphere .Aldor and Magi had been up,consciously. They had been discussing the frontier and telling each-other joke's for a good laugh. They had  just adjusted to the night,when,"we heard the noise"aaarg! aaaargh. Aldor do you hear that?Here what Magi!That?Another moan echoed the boat. Aaaargh!What is that?I don’t know! ' you think it's Titus?"Its a possibility Magi.shh,you might make him mad Aldor. Silence filled the air shortly after and seemed to be in sequence to Aldor when he came to,"exactly midnight'.They scurried the boat looking for where the moan might had came from,when,it happened again,"this time it was even louder".AAAAAARGH,It's getting closer Aldor. Relax Magi,besides,how bad can this thing be?AAAH!Aldor had screamed like a kitten that had just been spooked. Magi found herself a new item mold robe behind a new item crate.
And,with both of them up on little sleep,the imaging of a ghost was the last thing they could imagine seeing. Cast the spell Magi. The spell?Yes! The spell. Magi reviewed her Magic Book in search for Catch Spirit. The starlight had dissipated and  went under the unusual clouded covers,when,a spectrum appeared before there imagination’s. Magi!yes! Hold on Aldor im looking for the spell. Hurry Magi. Shaumlam est DE conch, A presentation of heavenly light surrounded them. The spirit had disappeared. A  voice gave its gratitude to them both and vanished. The sky cleared to its full extent and the night had reimbursed itself into morning. The sun hardly peaked a-top of the trees from the forest. A sense of normality staled the new beginning of a-new day in Baholgnar. We must see the princess.
      The Beholgarian war and    
         the new preparations
Inside the castle was like it was when they seen it for the first time. The walls where gray, bricked and etched from the dry hot sun. There were no picture's but the candle's were made of the royal's of solid silver. The doors on the inside were the same as the outer entrance and made of a fine dead oak material. The handles,well,they were of oak as well with an silver finish. Princess! We have Titus caught by spirit. I see.”Let me have him”.here!Are you sure this is Titus?Yes your heiress im sure, Aldor said. Alright I will be sure his spirit is freed in the royal Crypt."Now",there is another matter with Beholgnar I need to address with you both. We notice a fleet of Garis's Men headed our way. They will reach the castle by sun up.”They must be stopped”.You would be amazed by what he plan's to do with the kingdom. And,if he has the kingdom,nothing would stop him from taking over all Greatness. Please! Prepare at once.”the attack unfolds first thing in the morning”.The night had been short and the moon had been half full,showing. The gate's and doors were braced and secured with anything to be found. Archer’s,warriors,Magician's were readied with weapon's,armor and artifact's were give to those who needed. The morning soon after was close to being.“And',the preparations were finished. The war is coming and I want all to defend your princess. Defend me my people and I promise you peace and harmony for eternity with plenty to eat and plenty to barrow. Princess!Yes?Now,”we wait”.
 The Legend of
      The Protectors of             
A man holds his tongue. A women stays guard with order’s. The man rest's his well needed energy for battle. The women protects him as he sleeps. She is sworn to oath to protect just as he is sworn to oath to serve. Her name is Protecia and his name is Servna. Legend has it that they are the protectors.
      An End To Gar-is
 The morning had been alive and predicted just as it was told. Garis’s men had arrived the gates as soon as the sun had rose. The morning was a-new and fresh,although,Gar-is was determined to rule all of Greatness. A pounding at the gate! “There’s a pounding at the gate”.Princess?Alright!”Prepare the archers at once”.Make sure no man is left on armed at the gate and when I give the order. “Fire”.The war went on for six days and 7 nights. Garis seemed to have an ever- ending number of farm men, when, the last one had died by the sword of Aldor. Oh! And by the way princess,”we do make a great team”.I agree Magi. The people of baholgnar were excited to see an end to the evil doing of garis. And, there was many wounded along with dead. The reign of Gar-is will never be. The Kingdoms were rebuilt and there populations restored. The people received there barrows with an eternity of peace and harmony. And, the queen of baholgnar was found. “Queen Tessa”An ending the people would never forget.
                                                The Lost Chapters Of Beholgnar
                                         The Power and The Wrongdoing Temp-test
              The Ostrich Nest Fest.
The by far had begun in the woods of Greatness. Taleht Suharto a cozy breakfast of an ostrich had found an egg and was what had,had Magi's stomach full to the brim. Thank goodness Beholgnar has been saved. That is not what i hear about it all Magi. What do you mean?I hear it is just the beginning. What?Well,Let me explain.
                                                    She had explained
The war that had happened many of years ago in Greatness,was not only a war,"It was a world war".
The war of the world.
In the world war of Greatness there were many to fear,not limited amongst them,'The Temp-test".
He is a supreme Ruler still and rules Gallimaufry Terrace.
His power is even greater than Garris and His Men.                   .
He is recently,according to rumor around The Land Of Greatness,growing in numbers and resources.
And,i heard too,that he will as well become an even ever bigger threat to Beholgnar.
How big is he?
His number-ed count is an entire army of fifty thousand.
Fifty thousand!Yep. Another ostrich egg of an near by Ostrich prowess nest had simmered of a rock over camp and fire. Magi?Yes. My name is Sumatra, i live down by the waters of Eden, "if you need me i will be there".Sumatra had then left Magi to choke on an Ostrich egg shell that she had been en guzzling,when,there was another disturbance in the brush outside of the camp. Who Goes There?No one had answered. Show yourself or i will........The brush had a-shook again and again. Magi!She too had shook like an ostrich egg already about to hatch herself. You scared me. These are dangerous times magical one. Yeah they are. You should not be without a bodyguard camping had endured to be well into the afternoon. The fire had crackled and a-popped an every twenty a-blows of the wind and was Magi's guard not her most valued and closest friend in all of Greatness. We Shall Stay Here. Are you Sure,Magi Asked. Im sure.
  The Temp-test Of Wrong-Doing
He is purely evil. He stands approximately seven feet tall. His weight props out to be more than two hundred and fifty pounds. The presence of him is not his strongest trait either,his Strong Mans Ax Of Evil is his most fierce piece of the battle with skill sets that amongst a god’s. His battle leadership is unmatched in The Unholy Land Of Greatness. The Unholy Land Of Greatness,is a land outer and ridden of Eden and other territories of Greatness. It is a dark,scary and in other words horrifying place full of Oblivion. The land is ruled by a man named Rigamarole, who is The Son Of His Temptest. And,he is The Temp-test Of Wrong-Doing.
                          Where We At?
The camp is now packed away in a travel-mans sack. The once a-lit fire and ostrich feast,"Now gone".Everything was to the word of taken into consideration. We shall be moving Magi. I know,Magi had said. This way. The hike was what it was of being,"A hike".Where are we?We are in the ruins of Garment and approaching the waters of Eden.
Why are we headed to Eden?Because Magi,We have to speak to Sumatra once more to find out how we can make peace with the Unholy Temptest. I see. The walk had hiked mountains,creeks,over and through river falls,paths and finally had said,"we are here".
                      The Long Story Short
Sumatra!There was a faint look that had caught Magi in an eye to eye contact. Sumetra,"There you are".I told you i was here. I know,Magi had said. You have come to ask me something?Yep. What may i help you with?Albert and I need to know what exactly what we need to do and how we can make peace with the Unholy Temptest. Well,she said, "You have come to the right place".
                                                        She had continued as fallows....
                                                   You must over the hills of Eden.
                                                    You must cross The Great Lakes Of Greatness.
                                                   You must march the marsh of Unholy Grasses.
                                                   And,you must find a Flaming Gate Of Fire.
                                                   Then,"You Shall Make Peace".
OK,Magi had confirmed. The night had come alive with the usual moon change and the occasional star sights. Magi and Albert had rested there well needed rest in the fact that they knew that the morning was going to be a long settle and another strong hike. The morning had now been depending on the nights over-passing.
                                                         The Hills Of Eden
It was morning and it had been summoned unnoticed by Magi and Albert after being a-wake and already up trail of the hills of Edahn. The smell they had each smelt was along with them in a way that had more than one blossom up and out of there sinuses and noses,"Fallowing a sinus congestion".Are you sick?Keep moving. I was only asking Albert?Do not let my sick be your sick,"Move".They had hiked and walked and swam. This is it. What is?We have climbed the hills of Eden.  
                           The Great Lakes Of Greatness
The a-far had been reached. The grounds were sanded and hard to travel. The lake is only passable by a log and a tie rope. Soaked,"all that Magi and Albert was".Each lake was huge and long ,although, a couple were apparently,what seemed to them to be,"Shorter".
How much farther Albert!I can not tell my armor is wearing me down. It had viewed and was now a-new,"a swamp".The scene had Lila pods and Belching Frogs.Great.Yep.Were past The Great Lakes Of Greatness.
          The Marsh Of Unholy Grasses.
The belching had continued and was consistant. Magi and Albert had hopped Lila pads one after another. Every now and then a black bear was seen. Will we ever make it?Hang in there,"Magi".I see a flaming gate Albert. Where?Over there!Could it be that we have made it?We made it!Narrator- "Peace now be with the" .Leave At Once Magi!
                                             The Power Of Greatness
                                           And The Evil Under-dread
                  The Introduction Of Drokna
  An iron Flail i hold in my hands. It is seen of the crafted and made by the fingers of some Unverified Craftsman. I am entirely fitted in plate and it is as well made of iron ,unknown. I hold no morale’s with any subject or Magistrate nor am i a Knight sworn to an oath. I wear a one horned helm of leather and my boots are identically the same. I  fallow the very foot-steps of another i had admired through-out childhood and training. The man i had admired is a servant to his Under-Dread. Under-Dread,the leader of the Dreads,is said to by all of the Villagers to be a Man Of Many Evil Doing’s. And,it is also said that you should never trust such a man. There is other rumor’s that he has another name that  no-one should ever speak of. The rumor is that his other name is a curse ,and if used, it will forever bind you to his service’s. Drokna!"are you ready?'ready?oh yea i almost forgot about Mom's wake. We must hurry or we may be late. I know,'i know"And,'don’t forget about how your Mother had died".I know,"exactly as lady Mithra did when she had a bad heart".Meanwhile,while Drokna was getting ready,his Admirer ,The Spirit Finder was willing up his way from Dread's servitude. He had somehow distinguished an artifact that can block Dread's dangerous hexing and managed to free himself from his curse. And,with him now being freed of Under-Dread,there is an even bigger chance to bring good doing's back into the Land Of Great-ness. This is good news,Your Holiness. It is,it is indeed.
                                                The Death Of Magine
 The Death of mother and her wake had consumed most of the morning. Father and I had been home sick. Our home is a deserted place half the time and is elegantly filled with the usual furnishes of the day and age. Our couch is a homey sitting arrangement and has a leather appearance. A dinette table overlooks the kitchen and is of solid forest wood. And, a bookshelf lies to the left of all of the display’s against a deserted wall,  exquisitely made. My room is upstairs and is no different than the rest of the house. And, Fathers room is downstairs and nearly the same as my own where him and Mother used to sleep. The morning had split itself into afternoon. The ride on horseback on the trail  had been an hour or two before they had reached the village again with a sign that had said welcome to Shrine's Peak. Shrine’s Peak is a cozy place and it's overall purpose is to act as a Harbor for Villagers passing through The Land Of Greatness. A mark had imbued about a candle and was hung specifically for healing and protection. Drokna’s father had always used artifact's and jewelry because he said they have enormous power's versus the Undead. Ready to learn Drokna?Yeah,I’m ready. Then,”let the ceremony begin”.The ceremony is a ritual when a Mortal becomes a Priest. It’s sole meaning is it's practice.”The practice of Prayer's.”Drokna and his father had practice six moths and seven day’s. The ritual's had been long and required lot's of endurance and restoration. His intelligence had grown higher and higher in each day. The practice of prayer's had paid off and made him ever more willful to practice even harder. You are now a Priest, Drokna. And,”you are hereby worthy of The Power Of Greatness”
                                   The power of Greatness.
  There is potential inside of all of us, Drokna. What is potential Siege?Potential is our capabilities ,”whichever we are capable of is our total capability. Am I capable?I don’t know Siege. “The power of Greatness is not compatible by all.”Why not?Because Drokna you must be capable of using its power's in order to wield its capabilities. Can I try Siege?Sure!,take The Book Of Holiness and hold it in thy hands. Drokna had taken the book. The symbioses was familiar to him as it was to his Mother before she had died. The book a-glue  to a white fiery light and his armor became holy with its power. What is this I feel Siege?Its The power of Greatness, Drokna. I am capable aren’t I Siege?Yes you are Drokna,you definitely are. It had been hours since Drokna held the book in his hands.
I,i found found your Blood Child your Holiness. You did?Yes, I did. Where is he?I will not tell you where he is. And,why not?Because he is my own son!
                                     The Legend of The Blood Child.
   There was a darkness that had filled a night many of years ago. The land was tormented by it's evil doing's and was almost,unchangeable. Gore lied in the streets of every town but one and it was a small village. The village had received its secretive name after its secrecy, “The Secret ”.Since it was a secret ,it was named the “The Secreted Cove”and it was sworn to be  protected by His Holiness's knight’s. The Secreted Cove was built by his Holiness and its sole purpose is to age as a sanctuary for the birth of  his children so that no Mortal or Soul can know of it. It was roughly around the First Seed. The baby was born and it left his Holiness weakened. His Holiness knew it would take day's to recover from his child's birth. After the baby was born the Dreads had found out his Holiness's plan’s. They were infuriated by them and had discovered where he may have been hiding. The night of  the birth ,the Dreads had attacked the Village. His Holiness was too weak to fight them off. The Child was then kidnapped by his Under-Dread. And,he knew if they were to get a-hold of his Blood Related Predecessor,that they would one day bring wrong doing back to all of Great-ness. Although,there was a twist and the Dread's were ambushed. The baby was then taken to Shrine's Peak to a man named Siege, who had then raised the little boy up as his own. No one had a clue where the child had been taken  that night.“Some”,had even sworn his very death and his never to return.
                                                   The ghost of Great-ness
  There was a whisper into a villager's ear.
                   It had said.
Look!,over there isn’t that the,the,”Spirit Finder?
'Yes, it is the Spirit Finder.
Hey! Spirit Finder.
The encounter had lasted only a moment and then had went silent.
The hooded man the villagers had described had vanished before there very own eye's.
He was there I swear it!
Yeah!, It was not even a half an hour ago when we seen him.
Mm,Where could he be!
                                                The Search.
 The search for The Hooded man had continued. The Regiment,”led by Under-dread's Side kick”,”Geoffrey”, had taken a personal note to where the villagers say that this so called Spirit Finder might have gone. The tracking equaled to hours of scrimshawing and had somewhat found itself in circle's.“This cannot be right!”.What do you mean,sir?We must be headed in the wrong direction. But,Sir, our blood hound's are the best tracker's in all of Great-ness. I know they are you Pume. Yes,Sir. He has to be Around here somewhere!But,sir, the hounds say...Hound's nothing!But,Sir?Search the entire continent. Yes,Sir!I want him found!
                                         Ill Never Be A Dread.
Gauphrey's men had been led to a cave deep within the wood's of darkness. A torch lit the cave and had taken place deep within it's depth’s. Cough!What was that?I don’t know Sir!Well what are you standing around for,”Find out!”Yes Sir!Gauphrey's men had scoured every rock until they had reached a clearing that had been of the scent of there bloodhound's nose's detection. We found something sir!Cough!A swift footing had Gauphrey's men off guard. There was no where to go and no way to escape. Stop!I will Never be a Dread!And,then without warning the voice had diminished and there was no sign of any mortal or any man. Where did he go!I don’t know sir!
                                        An UN-expected return.
  The night had viewed silent to Gauphrey's men and  had been almost normal since Geoffrey had began his Regiment.Gauphrey and his men had set up camp outside The Refugee Cave. The moon was a-full and the stars were a-glowing ever-bright. The night was of a no better of a word than,perfect. There were no bird's chirping,only an owl oohing at an UN-dead tree. It was an average night until...Call off your men,Geoffrey!What are you going to do?I’m warning you,Geoffrey swift breeze blew a-side the caverns entrance. The bushes shook of many rodent’s. What is this?It's the end of the road Humphrey!I 'll decide that ,Spirit Finder. Well see!A shout alarmed the bushes. A bunch of Men of many number's charged the cave alongside the camp. Sword’s clinked and clanged together and blood unshaded the soiled mess,A long hour of slashing and hacking had led to a victory for his Holiness. And, Gauphrey had been slain by the hand's of the spirit finder. Finally!I have your spirit,Gauphrey. And,”with your spirit”, I can now defeat dread and rid of his wrongful doing's from the land of Great-ness forever.
                                      An end to under-dread.
The screams of Gauphrey's men had filled the dusk of morning;s first sunday. Where is Under Dread you nasty little Dread?I,i don’t know where is!He lie's,Spirit Finder. Where is he or I will separate you of your left toe. I,i don’t know!Alright,he want's to play hard. Cut off his toe, Knighthood,Wait,you win,he's not far up the trail just over the mountain of the dread’s. I see!We attack at nightfall. The Spirit Finder and his men had fallowed the trail up the mountains. The Afternoon had fell upon them as soon as they had reached The Under-Dread's hideout. We camp here until sun-down. The night had came to life to Spirit Finder and his men not long after the battle plan's were made. Guard’s can take the right flank here along the side of the fortress. Knight’s,you will take the right. The Spirit Finder will take the middle and begin the battle. All had been under-way. They all had taken there position’s. Under-Dread!There was no answer. Under-Dread!It had seen of the abandoned and the fortress had stood still,when,Charge!The unexpected had become the expected. The Spirit Finder had reacted quickly and shouted,Flank!And,all the men had entered into battle. The battle had presumed itself to be a great month of non-stop action. And,his Under Dread was no-where near defeated. You will die by my sword Under Dread!Hah-aha,you believe I will be defeated?Under-dread's men had began to weaken. Many had died from lack of nutrition by his Under Dreads Wrongful doing’s. Another month had passed and all Dread's ceased to live. Under Dread was the last to stand of the dread’s. Surrender Dread. Never!Then,you will die by my sword. He swung his brightened blade covered in blood a-hard and fast. A slice of victory had overcome his spirit. Under-Dreads body had dropped to the mountain.
                                         The Power Of Greatness
                                        and The New Assignment
                  This Is Just The Beginning.
Drokna’s iron flail is getting a fix. It is still of its craft and well on it’s way to be an ever greater one. How can this be?How can what be Drokna?How can it be that Greatness is not saved. Well,as I told you before Drokna,The Power Of Three shall come again and I know it. I know,I know,but…..No boot’s Drokna. The day was swindled and was mostly spent at a crafting wheel at the local Beholgarian Tradesman tent that had recently found its way in with a man named Ziege. Ziege is a crafter that crafts and mends the finest of all weapons in all the land of greatness. No one and I mean no one would have any other crafter work there weapon if it were up to choice on who should craft them,”It would be Siege”.Magi!,Over here. Huh?I would like to speak with you. Drokna,shocked and humiliated by his mal-dress had just met his own match and it happened to be a women,” Albert this way”.They will be your new companions Drokna. New companion’s?That is correct.
                 It Is Now Or Never
Drokna had mingled with his new friends. There was nothing that had been left behind,"not even there own personal travel stories".Hours is what had surpassed there telling each-other. Wow are you serious Albert?Yes,"I am".Wow. You really defeated Garris and his men Drokna?Yep. The day was almost over and had,had a thought in the air for the local Inn and bar around the corner ,and, " it was how the night had ended".Psst," you awake Albert"?Magi,aside it all,with no answer, had whispered a-little louder,"Albert".what?Do you know where Master Surge is going to send us tomorrow?Nope,"Do you?"I just asked you that question. Well,then,no i don't.
                                                The Fortress Of The Land Spirit
Master Surge began to speak.
                                                     He Spoke.
A fortress...Can any of you tell me what one is?Well,A fort...Close. a large fortified place; a fort or group of forts, often including a town; citadel or just any place of exceptional security; stronghold. Correct..Fortifications are military constructions or buildings designed for the defense of territories in warfare, and also used to solidify rule in a region during peace time. Humans have constructed defensive works for many thousands of years, in a variety of increasingly complex designs. From very early history to modern times, walls have been a necessity for cities to survive in an ever changing world of invasion and conquest. Some settlements in the Indus Valley Civilization were the first cities (They were very small in comparison to later, major cities) to be fortified. These constructions mainly served the purpose of a watch tower, to guard certain roads, passes, and lands detrimental to the kingdom. Though smaller than a real fortress, these constructions acted as a border guard rather than a real strong-point to watch and maintain the border. The art of setting out a military camp or constructing a fortification traditionally has been called "castramentation". Fortification is usually divided into two branches, permanent fortification and field fortification. There is also an intermediate branch known as semi-permanent fortification. Castles are fortifications which are regarded as being distinct from the generic fort or fortress in that it describes a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific defensive territory. forts and hill forts were the main antecedents of castles according to the feature palm and oil reading's by Lady Miracle. The Fortress of the land spirit is the same in concept,but,what you three will be dealing with is beyond reads of Thy Lady Reads.
"any questions".hmm......Good,you will find the Fortress due north a hundred and fifty thousand kilometers. A hundred and fifty thousand kilometers?yep,good luck and blessings to you..Well,The Three are blessed and skilled by luck Magi.                                                     
                    The Journey
Magi,Albert and drokna had begun there journey. First was through the forest of the dead all the way up till they had reached the firing mountains of Tuabia. Tuabia,located eight hundred kilometers south,was a volcano at one time and was the most deadliest. Now is the flamingo's that approximate over one thousand eruptions yearly. What is this place?Its the mountains of The Firing Gizmoto’s. It is so hot up here.Yep.Albert?I heard the degree's hit to be a hundred and fifty. Yeah it does get hot Albert. Be careful Magi. I will. The days have settled to night falls after a nightly rain,then,re-happened again during the day-time. All was well and there move was steady until they had seen it. Is that a fortress. Where?There,do you not see the fort out amongst that clearing Drokna?Yep,i see it. Then,we should be there soon. Everyone,"be careful".
                                         We Are Here
The fortress stands a whopping twelve feet tall. All Side's are the same and made of a distinctive rocked mud that was dried to make the structure they are staring at. The gates were different however and not made of the rocked mud but with the largest oak lumber tree in all of greatness. Supposedly,they figured the wood had to of came from the forest. There are no other wooded structures than the ones made of the forest are there Albert?Nope. I hear the forest is the only stead-fast place to get lumber in these parts Drokna. Indeed it is Magi,"Indeed it is".Everyone," be prepared".
             The Land Spirit And Magi's Second Catch
The Fortress was incredible and the view was like no other. A few howl's had staled the air fallowing Magi who was on the prowl. Drokna and Albert dared not to get in her way,"They knew better".Magi,already having the shore spirit was well on her way to getting the land one as well. Rar!You got em Magi,"You got him".Deste diva la donca. The spirit had appeared as a rock form and was a Golem in sight. Catch him Magi. Este la Diancha. Magi’s book had grew to a shining lighted diamond with light formations sprouting everywhere. The spirit had begun to speak.
                                                      The Spirit spoke
 You shall have me.
You shall lead me.
No other shall capture me.
It is you who shall guide my fate.
The spirit had blew bright to a sculptured angel candle,then with great notice,"disappeared".This is only two spirits Drokna. What shall we do Magi?We Must find the last one.
                                                   The Queen and
                                                   The Royal Pest
                   A Favor Of The Queen     
It had all started with a favor from The Queen Tessa.Albert.Yes.I need a favor of you..Anything Tess. Albert was the only one who had ever used her original name and he knew it too.
                                             The Queen Began To Ask
I need someone to be me for a day.
I need someone who knows me and how i act quite well.
And,well Albert,"You know me quite well.
Yep You Albert.
I Will Return
The day had been fresh. It was a delicate vegetable that had to be grown into itself. Here Albert try this on.Ok.The wardrobe handed to him was of,of coarse,just like her own. And, here she said. "Take this crown".Alright. The Look Alike Queen Tessa Guard's and Nobles. Noble’s,according to the code of laws in Greatness,a great law of the land, are hierarchy compared to the average citizens. Now Take My Place And I Shall Return.
                     Ready your Position's
Queen Tessa had a sight and was no-where to be found. Albert had been left to the throne and had newly found a guard telling him of a thief that had been stealing royal gems from the royal vault room. All had wondered of the noble's of "Who would do such a thing".This is our chance to prove ourselves Albert. Indeed Guardsman,Indeed it is. Call the guards.whistle.are they  ready?Ready your positions. I......Guards are armed and ready your heiness. Good.
                                                      Let Us Move
Where did you see him guardsman?I seen him over there in the ravine between the swordsman shop and the armor crafter. Beholgnar will not tolerate his insults to the queen. I know guardsman,i know. I need all guards to split up. Spread out. All guards had then felt there formations and went there opposite directions. We will find him your heiness. I see. Let us move. Continue on as you were noblesman. He is got to be somewhere.
                                                The Search For The Thief
The guards were hard to find. They were spread ed out about the average citizens in Beholgnar. Gather around. Noblesman?yes. Did you see the thief?Yes. Where is he?He is right around.....There!Ha ult!OK,"a lady had said".That voice sound's familiar. Take OFF That Mask. She did and it was not willingly nither. Queen Tessa?Then who is. Its me Albert. I was ordered to be her heiress for the day.
                                             A Punishment Of Greatness.
I will not deal with miss-behavior your heiness. I am not mis-behaving. Then what do you call it?I only stole the gem because the people would not permit it and Beholgnar needs the gem to protect the castle from the wrongdoing of entire Greatness. That is why you ordered Albert to be you?Yep. Then,I will lesson your punishment and The Gem Of Protection will be re-of-vote to be used for the purposes of keeping Beholgnar safe. Cheer’s Albert and well done. Thank you your hieness. You have passed the test Albert and you are here-by The Ultimate Protector Of Beholgnar as well as a more than loyal and a Noble’s Prince.
                                               The Three And
                                                The Final Battle
                                                  Of Greatness
                                                         A War Is Coming
The sun had beat down. There was no rain to be assumed,"not a sign niether. Albert had held his ground and quickly. Beholgnar is in trouble!What do you mean?I mean that there is a great danger,"i can feel it".I see.Yep.You two stay here and i will address these findings with her majesty. We will prepare while you are gone Albert. I shall return
                                                          The Final Meet
Your Heinousness.
Speak your meaning Albert.
........He had spoke........
I hear there is trouble and it is coming straight for us.
The Wrong doing Temp-test is re borne as well as still alive,"i know it"
He has with him all of wrong doing.
He wants Greatness,"i believe it".
What shall we do?
The Temp-test? "Still alive".Yes your Heiness. And,he is headed our way,"impossible".That is right. This cannot be. I am afraid it is your Heiness. Well,then,a-ready all who are capable of battle,arm the gates,"prepare yourselves"Yes your Heiness. This is war!
                                               We Have Incoming
Arr!!.Sound the alarm. We have Trouble!Yarn,raaaaarn. Ready the archers. Your Heiress?Fire!Each arch of arrows had whistled and every Wrongdoing man hit had screamed of the pain from them when they were hit by one. The battle had begun. One had shared death with another fallowing another and another,until,"only the three and the queens army were left standing along with two and a half of wrongdoings men.Shanequam.Albert had,for the first time,"seen Magi's first successful cast of a superior magic spell with greatness and it was chronicle as five hundred or more wrong-doer's were already dead that had leaped of pain due to its powerful storm of lightening strikes that had kept of her own magical fingers. Hold them off Magi. For the just!Albert had sudden-ed his own miracle and had created a gigantic wall around entire Beholgnar which was benefited by all in The Land Of Greatness,"provided protection" as well as purified every forest and mountain which had consumed his whole magic pool. And,well,Drokna had dug himself deeply into The Magic Shop Of Beholgnar managing to scour up a more than manageable consumption of magic potions that could heal them and an complete army of Great Beholgarians and then some. I have Eleven hundred super magic potions Magi. Stay focused Drokna.
                                                The Final Wrong-Doer
The war as hard as it had begun,"it had found a couple and then left with a Last One".Magic had blasted and a-blazed for the ages. The,"Not in battle anymore" was dead and countless and had equaled terribly. Most were well over devastated as well as beyond exhausted. Why is it not The Wrongdoing Leader who had almost ruined Greatness?Ha,"you should talk Tessa".And, "You shall end here".We Shall See.
                                        I Cannot Be Defeated
Wrong strike. Heal Party. Chain Lightening. Royal Blast. Death storm. And,'It had went on back n forth for more than three days and four great nights. Feeling weaker," Wrong doer"?Ah,aaarrrr. That’s right!This cannot be. Uh?How!????I cannot be defeated. Wrong-Doers do not believe in defeat. And,"he had come to a conclusion that had him on his knees upon Beholgnar,"Capital Of Greatness".The three had more power that he. With that so,Drokna,Magi,Albert,"rid of him and his spirit as well of soul in capture and hide them within the these walls by the castle in this land of the great of Greatness. So, it was, He was placed and hidden spirit by soul and bound in the land of the great of greatness's walls. The Queen had spoken!
                                                She Spoke
Never shall we not be great.
Always shall greatness be!
We shall live free of all wrongs. And,"We shall from this day forth do right".
This is the end of wrong-doing everyone.
It is,It is indeed.

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