Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Magi - The Lost Chapters Of Beholgnar - The Diaries Of Endless Battles - 1 -Diary 1

                                Four Books Later Uncovered Magi's First Diary Of Battles
                                                      Here Is Her Story!

                                                            Day 1

I rolled Nine. Magi, She had traveled nine miles. A great majority of all of greatness is grass and crop fields alongside other vegetation with some cities and mountain terrain. She stood in a crop field near Beholgnar castle when she had engaged in battle. Her foe is a traveling blades man. The first strike Magi struck once. The second strike was saves for both Magi and the blades man. The third strike the same. On the fourth strike Magi struck the blades man four times. Magi, her opponents skills are low but efficient enough to do her some damage. The territory of Beholgnar stretches country wide and is surrounded by several other countries, the country of the tombs, the country of dread, the country of the dreads and the landing site all to the south. And, to the north is the royal crypt. Far to the south beyond the tomb and the dread and dreads is takar castle. Finally, to the north is the country russer-ford as well as other territories. The fifth strike Magi strikes the bladesman two more times causing him to bleed. And, yet again Magi hits him once more and has the blades man near death. Magically, they draw on the sixth strike. Magi, she attacks again with three strikes which on two of those three become favored of god and the gods in heaven. The blades man is now after defeated. Magi, she gains fifteen experience points, earns four hundred gold and equips a imperial battle mace she had found after the battle and she continues on in her journey to travel the entire world of greatness.

                                                            Day 2

Another battle for Magi had emerged on a farmstead creak bridge just shy of rock-lay as the road with a roll of 6. The first strike Magi connects once a giant rat. The second strike ends for three more hits by Magi. On the third strike the rat enrages dealing three strikes back at Magi. And, on the fourth are saves for them both. The fifth strike engagement Magi strikes the rat once again. The Giant rat is dead. Magi, she earns eighty experience points. In continuing to travel greatness I roll a six and Magi moves six more miles. In next rolling an eight Magi enters another battle. The opponent is nothing but a baby dragon. And... The baby dragon flees the battle. Magi, she did not want to fight the baby dragon nor would an adult fully grown dragon be a wise fight either and she knew if there was a baby dragon nearby surely was a mother or another dragon fully grown. So, she either flee or the dragon flee and nothing else. I rolled again. I rolled a six. Near a camping tent on the open roll of rock n lay Magi is battling a giant axe man, another six roll. The axeman being well armored head to his toe with an oversized heaving axe prepares himself. The first rolled an eight leaving a four to four draw for the two of them. The second the same.The third Magi strikes once the giant axeman. Magi, still alive strikes the giant axe man again. And, then again Magi strikes once more the giant axe man. The sixth roll , being an eight, four for four each the giant axe man and Magi is a tie, even dice roll. And, then Magi hits again the giant axe man with a five to four roll. Last and not least Magi hits for two more strikes the giant axe man and the giant axe man gives up. Magi, her travels continue and she camped for the night a- healing her wounds and gaining her strength.

                                               Day 3

A roll of five takes Magi farther another five miles near an old ruin named Gall Mier and a four roll enters yet another battle. Magi, she has an additional thirty in healing magic skill and abillity to heal skill as set as her main skillsets with a limit to twenty skills that she can begin begin with. She knows these skill can be used later on with in her winning battles and a roll of six heals her for sixty hit points to begin a new battle with her move first with full health. And , another roll is made. The roll made is an eight and yet another battle entered into.The first roll is even and straight four die roll each. And, so is the second. The third Magi is hit hard five times an roll six to her one. Magi, she is then on the fallowing roll hit twice more three to her one on die.The fifth roll Magi strikes the maceman twice injuring him five times and is a die roll six to his one. On the final roll is a critical hit again and Magi defeats the mace man . Magi gains a hundred experience points, four hundred gold and she bags a steel box shield.


                                        Day 4

The second homestead in Beholgnar has been reached. A roll of eight moves Magi eight more miles. Another roll of six is mad and is another battle. The first roll hits Magi once and is a roll of two to one.Magi , her opponent a battle monkey and her upset, she strikes the battle monkey back critically with a die roll six to the battle monkeys one. The third strike is the battle monkey with revenge and hits Magi again this time his two to her one.Magi reacts quickly and i roll and Magi crits the battle monkey with Magi rolling a five to the battle monkeys one and she kills him. Magi gains sixty experience points. I roll again. I rolled an eleven and Magi moved eleven miles. The roll after i rolled additionally is a seven and Magi finds a store. Magi, with eight hundred gold buys an complete iron set of armor and is now in all iron. Magi, she then decides to hunt. And, well, in her hunt finds yet another store and i rolled that seven. Magi is now broke and hungry. And, with an roll of an eight she enters battle. The opponent is a Maurador. The first stike they each tie with a four on the die each rolled. The second Magi strikes once the Maurador with a roll three to his two. The third engagement the again each tie, this time five each. The fourth roll is critical and Magi rolls a six to the Mauradors one based on the two dice and defeats Maurador. Magi she earns forty experience points , a hundred gold and eats a chees wedge she found and cures her hunger.

                                                 Day 5

I rolled an eight. Magi moves eight more miles to another rock lay path leading to a road. The next roll is seven and Magi finds a store cart and purchases nothing with only having a hundred gold. I rolled again. The roll is an eight again and Magi moves another eight miles. Magi, she sees that she is headed east and i roll again. Another eight is rolled and Magi enters battle. Her opponent she sees is a traveling huntsman. The first roll is eight Magi with five and the huntsman with three. Magi, she strikes the huntsman for two and the huntsman blocks for three. The second roll is four for Magi and a two for the hunstman and Magi strikes the huntsman again for two and the huntsman again blocks for two. The third roll is six for Magi and one for the huntsman. Magi, she again strikes the huntsman for five.The huntsman half dead and another roll is made. The roll is Five Magi and two the Huntsman and Magi strikes the huntsman for another two. I roll again. The roll is Magi three and the Huntsman 4 and Magi gets struck for one. Again i roll the dice. The roll is anonther six for magi and one for the huntsman and Magi strikes the huntsman for another five times. The huntsman dead. Magi, she gains forty experience points, five hundred gold and equips a found sterncloak helmet.

                                                   Day 6

Magi on a rock lay road, I roll a seven. Magi, she moves seven more miles. I roll again and i roll an eight and Magi enters yet another battle. Her opponent is a jaguar. The first roll Magi has a six die and the jaguar has a four die. Magi, she strikes the jaguar two times and the jaguar blocks four of those strikes. The second roll is Magi with a two die and the jaguar with a four die and the jaguar strikes Magi two times as Magi also blocks two of those strikes. The third roll Magi has a six die and critically hits the jaguar with his one die and she strikes him five times,the jaguar blocking two times. The jaguar now injured as i roll again and Magi gets another six die and the jaguar gets a three die and Magi strikes the jaguar three more times. The jaguar , he blocks three of those strikes. near death and on the next roll the jaguar gets a four die and Magi gets a three die and she gets struck for one strike and she blocks three of those strikes. The fifth roll Magi comes up with a five die and the jaguar gets another one die and the jaguar gets hit for another four strikes and dies. Magi, she gains a hundred experience points and pockets a jaguars tooth.

                                                   Day 7

I rolled an eleven. Magi, she moved eleven more miles. And , i rolled again. A roll of seven is seen and Magi finds another store where she purchases three magic potions at a hundred gold each. Magi, she now has three hundred gold left. I roll again. I roll another seven and Magi decides to hunt and a roll of eight finds an large deer and Magi kills it five die to one die earning herself a deer horn she can sell or equip. Magi, she now has a jaguars tooth and a deer horn. I rolled an three after that. Magi, she had move three more miles. And, i rolled again. The roll had uncovered a five and Magi had camped this night near the ruins of Juniaha a-healing her wounds and curing any of her illness's.

                                               Day 8

Magi still near a travellors camp by the ruin of Junaiah I roll a six and Magi enters a battle. An giant viper snake is seen, her opponent. The first roll is a three for Magi and a six for the viper snake and Magi blocks three strikes and the snake strikes for three strikes to Magi. The second roll Magi has six die and the viper snake has four die and Magi strike the viper snake for two strikes and the viper snake blocks four of Magi's strikes. The third roll Magi again gets a five die and the viper snake gets a two die and Magi again strikes the viper snake for an additional three strikes and the viper snake saves on two of those strikes defensively. The fourth roll the viper snake gets a five die and Magi gets a one die and Magi is struck for four its and block one of those hits. The fifth roll again the viper snake rolls a two die and Magi rolls a one die and Magi is hit once and blocks once. Magi with eighty six percent health and her opponent being a lower level, she has a better advantage. I roll again. The sixth roll is a six die for Magi and a two die for the viper snake. Magi, she hits the viper snake four times and the viper snake blocks for two of those strikes. The seventh roll and the viper snake near its own death is Magi again with a six die and the viper snake with a two die and the viper snake dies. Magi, she gains a hundred experience points , earns no gold and continues onto travel Beholgnar.

                                                   Day 9

Magi's skills are still at thirty percent each in damage magic, healing magic, strike, escape,heal,hit,hit chance,movement,casting,hunting,spell hit, spell chance,maces,heavy armor and adventuring. Magi's major skills are intelligence, willpower and she is class mage as well as race Breton. Magi, in a grass field of Beholgnar i roll a seven. Magi moves seven more miles into a field of corn. I roll again. I roll a ten and Magi enters battle. Magi's opponent is seen to be a traveling swordsman. The first roll Magi has a six die and the traveler has a three die. Magi, she attacks the traveler three times and the swordsman traveling blocks three of those attacks. The second roll Magi again has a six die and the swordsman has a four die and Magi attacks him two times and he blocks Magi's attacks four times out of the six attacks that she had made. The third roll Magi has a four die and the traveling swordsman gets a three die. Magi , she again strikes the swordsman traveling once as the traveler blocks her three out of four strikes. The traveling swordsman now half dead, a fourth roll is made. And , is it not the same as the last roll made and Magi hits the traveling swordsman once more and the swordsman blocks three out of the four of Magi's strikes. The fifth roll Magi is critical and rolls a six again to the travelers one and the traveling swordsman dies. Magi, she earns ten experience points, she gains fifty gold and bags a hundred silver arrows.

                                                   Day 10

Up on the rock - lay road near a crossing bridge just after grass and corn fields Magi had moved five miles according to the five dots seen on the rolled die. I roll again. I roll a seven. Magi, she stumbles upon a store owned by a Beholgarian named sam, sam the merchant. Magi buys nothing, but, she sells a hundred silver arrows and skips the hunt. Magi, she knows she has little food and gold and she has a world yet to explore. I roll an eight. And, Magi moves eight more miles. I roll again. I roll a five. Magi with the five die camps this night and wakes fully the fallowing morning healed to sunshine and bird life near the ruin of Gomech in Beholgnar.

                                                 Day 11

I rolled the die. The dice had read three. Magi,she had moved three more miles towards the end of Sam's farm stead. I rolled a four and Magi entered a battle. Her opponent is seen to be a black bear. The first roll of the battle is Magi with a six die and the black bear with a two die. Magi strikes the the black bear four times and the black bear blocks two of those strikes. The second roll Magi has a one die and the black bear has a five die. Magi gets struck four times and blocks once the black bears strikes. The third roll Magi has a six die again and the black bear has a three dice. Magi strikes the black bear three times and the black bear blocks three of those strikes. The fourth roll and the black bear half dead Magi has a three die and the black bear has a one dice. Magi strikes the black bear two times and the black bear blocks one of those strikes. The fifth roll Magi has a five dice and the black bear has a one die and Magi strikes the black bear four more times killing him. Magi earns fifty experience points, gains one bear pelt and continues her journey to travel Beholgnar.

                                                  Day 12

A roll of one and Magi reaches the farmstead of argnar. Argnar is widely known in Beholgnar for his keen eye and education with Beholgnars terrain and its behavior. Magi meets Argnar at the farmstead border.

                                                   Argnar Said....

Magi it is good to see you.
The animals they are mis behaving.
They. They are... Full of anger.
We must find  out what is angering them.
Here take this four hundred gold for your troubles .
Now go! And , do not return until you have found out why the animals are so angry.

And , Magi had waved farewell to Argnar and had went on her way.

                                                                  Day 13

A roll of four and Magi moved four more miles. I rolled again. I rolled a two and Magi had camped this day. I rolled once more. I rolled a six and Magi had moved again six more miles. The next roll i rolled a four again and Magi had entered a battle. her opponent stood firm as an giant ogre mage. The first roll of the battle is Magi with an two die and the giant ogre mage with an four dice. Magi gets struck two times and blocks two of those strikes. the second roll of the battle Magi has an three dice and the giant ogre mage has an one dice. The giant ogre mage gets struck two times and blocks one of those strikes from Magi. the third roll of the battle Magi gets an five die and the giant ogre mage un-luckily gets an one die. Magi strikes the giant ogre mage four additional times and the ogre mage blocks one more of Magi's strikes. The giant ogre mage with twenty percent health , i roll again and Magi reasonably gets an four dice and the giant ogre mage gets an three dice. The giant ogre mage blocks three strikes and gets struck once more by Magi. the giant ogre mage at ten percent health now receives an two die to Magi's four die and dies. Magi, she gains fifty experience points,bags an ogres toe and finds a hundred gold in the dead ogres pocket. Magi, now has five hundred gold,earns a level two, gains six ability points, plus adds two of those points in her maces ability,two in her healing ability,two into hit ability and learns nothing in this battle about what could be angering the animals and else in all of greatness and Beholgnar.

                                                                  DAY 14
Magi upon the farm  land of beholgnar I roll the dice. I roll a seven and magi moves seven more miles. i roll again. I roll a  six and magi enters battle. Her opponent an angry elk. The first roll of the battle magi has a three dice and the angry elk has a five dice and magi gets struck twice blocking three of those strikes from the angry elk. The second roll of the battle magi has a two die and the angry elk has a five die and magi gets struck three additional times and she blocks two of those strikes. The third roll of the battle magi has a six dice and the angry elk as a five dice and magi strikes the angry elk once and the angry elk blocks five of magi strikes. The fourth roll of the battle magi has a one dice and the angry elk the same and they each block the same,once eachothers strikes.The fifth roll of the battle magi has a two dice and the angry elk has a one dice and magi strikes the elk once as the elk blocks one of the strikes. The sixth roll of the battle magi has a magi has a six dice and the angry elk has a five dice and again magi strikes the elk once more and the elk blocks five of those strikes. The seventh roll of the battle magi has a three die and so does the angry elk and they each block the same,tie. th eighth roll of the battle magi has a five dice and the elk has a four dice and magi strikes once again the elk and the elk blocks four of her strikes. The nineth roll of the battle magi has a five dice and the angry elk hhas a four dice and magi strikes the elk once more and the elk blocks four more of her strikes.On the tenth roll of the battle magi has a six dice and the angry elk has a three die and magi strikes the elk three more times and the elk dies. magi earns thirty experience points and gathers an horn from the angry elk.Magi,she now has an elk horn and an ogres toe and a bear pelt along with thirty of a thousand experience points.

                                                                   Day 15

Up and standing once again in grass field,i roll the dice and i roll an one. Magi,she moves one more mile. I roll once more. I roll an five. Magi upon a five roll of the dice camps another night. I roll again. I roll an two. And, magi moves two more miles. Again i rolled. I rolled an four and magi entered into battle. Her opponent another giant rat. The first roll of the battle magi gets an one die and the giant rat the same, no strikes each. The second roll of the battle magi has a one dice and the giant rat a four dice and magi gets struck three times and block one of those strikes. The third roll of the battle magi gets an five die and the giant rat gets a two die. Magi strikes the giant rat three times and the giant rat blocks two of those strikes. Magi at ninety two percent health and the giant rat at seventy percent health, i roll again. The fourth roll of the battle magi has a six dice and the giant rat has a one dice and magi critically hits the giant rat five times and the giant rat blocks one of those strikes. Almost dead the giant rat has a four dice and magi has another six dice and the giant rat dies. Magi, she earns ten experience points,gets no gold and gains no items

                                                                    Day 16

At the beginning of Rogers farmstead in Beholgnar,i roll an  three and magi moves three more miles. I roll once more. I roll an five and magi camps another night. I roll again. I roll an one and magi moves one more mile. Again, i roll. I roll an three and magi camps once more another day. At night,i roll. I roll an three again and magi skips camp. After, i rolled an seven and magi had found a traveling merchant named Zort,she purchased nothing,she has five hundred gold,thirty of one thousand experience needed and she sells a bear pelt,an ogres toe and an elk horn and gains three hundred more gold.

                                                                     Day 17

Magi,at eight hundred gold,i roll.I roll an seven and magi decides to hunt. I roll agian. I roll a five and magi catches nothing and camps awhile. I roll once more. I roll an four and magi enters battle. Her opponent a giant cat. The fiest roll of the battle magi has a six and th giant cat as a four and magi strike the giant cat two times and the giant cat blocks four of her strikes. the second roll of the battle magi has a five dice and the giant cat has a six dice and the giant cat attacks magi once and magi blocks five of his strikes. the third roll of the battle magi has a six dice and the giant rat has a two dice and magi

                                                                  Day 18

Up near a another ruin named getlar magi finnishes camp. I roll. I roll a five and magi moves five more miles. i roll again.i roll a six and magi enters battle.Her opponent a giant spider.The first roll of the battle magi gets an five die and the giant spier gets an five die and they each strike even. The second roll of the battle magi gets an six die and the giant spider gets an one die and magi strikes the giant spider five times heavily wounding it and the giant spider blocks one of those strikes.The third roll of the battle magi gets an four dice and the giant spider gets an three dice and again magi strikes the giant spider once more and the giant spider blocks three of those strikes. Near death the giant spider,i roll. Magi , she gets a three dice and the giant spider gets a five dice and the giant spider attacks magi two time and magi blocks three of those strikes. The fifth roll of the battle magi gets a six dice and the giant spider gets an four dice and the giant spider dies. Magi, she earns twenty experience points,gains no gold and bags a giant spider leg.

                                                                 Day 19

I roll. I roll an three and magi moves three more miles. I roll again.I roll an six and magi enters battle. Her opponent an angry wolf. The first roll of the battle magi has a five dice and the wolf has an four dice and magi strikes the wolf once and the wof blocks four of those strikes. The second roll of the battle magi has an three dice and the wolf has an one dice and magi strikes the wolf two times and the wolf evades one of those strikes. The third roll of the battle magi has an four dice and the wolf has a five dice and magi gets struck once and she blocks four of those strikes from the angry wolf. The fourth roll of the battle magi has an six dice and the angry wolf has a one dice and magi critically hits the angry wolf five times killing-em. Magi earns fourty experience points,gains no gold and items an wolf paw.Magi now has a hundred and ten of a thousand needed experience points to level,five hundred gold and has three items,a cat paw, a giant spider leg and a wolf paw.

                                                                Day 20

I roll. I roll a four and magi moves four more miles. i roll again. I roll a three and magi camps this day till nightfall. I roll once more and i roll a five and magi moves five more miles. I roll again. I roll an six and magi enters into battle. Her opponent an human swordsman. The first roll of the battle magi has an five and the swordsman has an one and magi strikes the swordsman four times and the swordsman blocks one of those strikes. The second roll of the battle magi has an five and the swordsman has an two and magi strikes the swordsman three more times and the swordsman blocks two of those strikes.The third roll of the battle magi has an six dice and the human swordsman has a four dice and magi again strikes the swordsman two times and the swordsman blocks four of those strikes. The final roll of the battle magi has an four dice and the swordsman has a one dice and magi crits the swordsman three more times and the swordsman blocks one of those strikes and dies. Magi earns forty experience points,gains thirty gold and bags nothing.Magi now has a hundred and fifty of the thousand experience points she need to level up and five hundred and thirty gold in her bag.

                                                                  Day 21

I roll. I roll a five and magi moves five more miles. I roll again. I roll a seven and magi finds a merchant named Felix and sells a cat paw, a giant speder leg and a wolf paw. I roll. I roll a three and magi moves three more miles. I roll again. I roll a five and magi rests this day until the night. I roll again. i roll a seven and magi moves seven more miles. I roll once more. I roll a four and magi enters into battle. Her opponent an angered wolf. The first roll of the battle magi gets an five and the angered wolf gets a three and magi strikes the angered wolf once and the angered wolf blocks three of those strikes. The second roll of the battle magi gets an four dice and the wolf  gets an one dice and magi again hits the wolf three times and the wolf blocks one of those strikes. The third roll of the battle magi gets an six dice and the wolf gets an two dice and magi strikes the angered wolf for an additional four strikes and the wolf dies. Magi earns thirty experience points,gains no gold and items in her bag an Angered wolf paw.

                                                                Day 22

once again I roll. I roll a four and magi moves four more miles.I roll again.I roll a five and magi rests this day until the night. I roll once more. I roll a six and magi enters into battle. Her opponent a giant lizard man. The first roll of the battle magi has a six dice and te lizard man has a five dice and magi strikes the lizard man for one hit point. The second roll of the battle magi recieves a six dice and the lizard man gets a three dice and again magi strikes the lizard man for three additional hit points.The fourth roll of the battle magi gets a five dice and the lizardman gets a one dice and magi strikes the lizard man again for four hit points. The lizard man,near death,the last roll of the battle commenced. The roll was magi with a four dice and the lizard man with a three dice and magi slays the lizard man. Magi, she gains twenty experience points,collects a lizard mans hat and awaits another day and battle.


                                                                      Day 23

I roll the dice. I roll'd a six and magi entered into battle. Her opponent a giant lizard man. i rolled again. I rolled a five and the giant lizard rolled a six and magi was stuck for one hit point and blocked five of his attacks. i rolled once more. I rolled a six and the giant lizard rolled a three and magi was now on top attacking the lizard man for three hit points with the lizard man blocking three of her attacks. i rolled once more. i rolled a six again and the giant lizrd man rolled a one and magi critically hit the lizard man for five hit points and the lizard man again blocked one of her attacks. Near death the lizard man awaited another attack from magi. I rolled and the roll was a seven. The lizardman rolled and his roll was a four and magi struck an addition three hit points the giant lizard man and the lizard man died. Magi, she gained a hundred experience points and pocketed a lizard man spear. And with three hundred experience points of the thousand needed she waited to move. I rolled. I rolled a five and magi had rested this afternoon until the fallowing morning.

                                                                     Day 24

Magi at level two with three hundred out of the thousand needed experience points to level again and with all her abillities still at thirty percent except three  of them,maces,healing and hit which are at thirty two percent and with five hundred and thirty gold i rolled. I rolled a six and magi entered into battle. Her opponent an elite wild boar.The first roll of the battle magi rolled a five and the wild boar rolled a three and magi struck the wild boar two times. The second roll of the battle magi rolled a four and the wild boar rolled a one and magi stuck the wild boar three more times. The third roll of the battle magi rolled a six and the wild boar rolled a four and magi struck for two more.The wild boar,near its death,the last roll of the battle magi rolled a five and the wild boar rolled a four and magi had slayed the boar. Magi, she earned a hundred experience points and recieved a wild boar pelt and a wild boar tusk.I rolled once more. i rolled a five. Magi,she had moved five more miles. I rolled again. I rolled a three and magi had rested this day until morning.

                                                             Day 25

Magi with four hundred of the thousand needed experience points to level to a level three, i roll the game dice. I roll a six and magi enters into a battle. Her opponent a elite skeletal being. The first roll of the battle magi has a six die and the skeletal elite has a four dice and magi strikes the skeletal being two times and the skeletal being blocks four of her strikes. The second roll of the battle magi has a four dice and the elite skeletal being has a five dice and the skeletal attacks magi once and magi blocks four of his attacks. The third roll of the battle magi has a six dice again and the skeletal being gets a one dice and magi critically hits the skeletal being for five strikes and the skeletal being even being able to block one of her strikes is weakened to death. The fourth roll of the battle magi has a three dice and the skeletal being elite has a two dice and magi strikes him once more killing him. Magi, she gains three hundred experience points and items a instence scroll of lightening storm. I rest and magi has a chance to recooperate her health and strength.

  Bagged  Items
Angered wolf paw.
Lizard Hat.
Lizard spear.
wild boar pelt.
wild boar tusk.
instant lightening scroll.

                                                        Day 26

I rolled an ten. Magi, she moved ten more miles. And , i rolled again. A roll of seven is seen and Magi finds another store where she purchases nothing. Magi, she now has five hundred and thirty gold left. I roll again. I roll another seven and Magi decides to hunt and a roll of eight finds an large behemoth and Magi kills it five die to one die earning herself a behemoth hide she can sell or equip. Magi, she now has a  hide she can craft into armor or sell to a merchant. I rolled an three after that. Magi, she had move three more miles. And, i rolled again. The roll had uncovered a five and Magi had camped this night near the ruins of Aspenlar a-healing her wounds and curing any of her illness's.

                                                                 Day 27

Magi on a rock lay road, I roll a seven. Magi, she moves seven more miles. I roll again and i roll an eight and Magi enters yet another battle. Her opponent is a wild goblin. The first roll of the battle Magi has a six die and the goblin has a four die. Magi, she strikes the goblin two times and the goblin blocks four of those strikes. The second roll of the battle is Magi with a two die and the goblin with a four die and the goblin strikes Magi two times as Magi also blocks two of those strikes. The third roll Magi has a six die and critically hits the goblin with his one die and she strikes him five times,the goblin blocking two times. The goblin now injured , i roll again and Magi gets another six die and the goblin gets a three die and Magi strikes the goblin three more times. The goblin , he blocks three of those strikes.The goblin, near death and on the next roll , he gets a four die and Magi gets a three die and she gets struck for one strike and she blocks three of those strikes. The fifth roll Magi comes up with a five die and the goblin gets another one die and the goblin gets hit for another four strikes and dies. Magi, she gains a hundred experience points and pockets a goblins staff

Experience To Next Level
1100 of 2000 exp..

                                                                Day 28

Magi still near a travelors camp by the ruin of Aspenlar, i roll a six and Magi enters a battle. An giant tree berserker is seen, her opponent. The first roll of the battle is a three for Magi and a six for the tree berserker and Magi blocks three strikes and the berserker strikes for three strikes to Magi. The second roll of the battle Magi has six die and the tree berserker has four die and Magi strike the tree berserker for two strikes and the tree berserker blocks four of Magi's strikes. The third roll of the battle Magi again gets a five die and the tree berserker gets a two die and Magi again strikes the tree berserker for an additional three strikes and the tree berserker saves on two of those strikes defensively. The fourth roll of the battle the tree berserker gets a five die and Magi gets a one die and Magi is struck for four and it blocks one of those hits. The fifth roll of the battle again the tree berserker rolls a two die and Magi rolls a one die and Magi is hit once and blocks once. Magi with eighty three percent health and her opponent being a lower level, she has a better advantage. I roll again. The sixth roll of the battle is a six die for Magi and a two die for the tree berserker. Magi, she hits the tree berserker four times and the tree berserker blocks for two of those strikes. The seventh roll of the battle came around and the tree berserker near its own death is Magi again with a six die and the tree berserker with a two die and the tree berserker dies. Magi, she gains a hundred experience points , earns no gold and continues onto travel Beholgnar.

                                                               Day 29

Up and standing once again in grass field,i roll the dice and i roll an one. Magi,she moves one more mile. I roll once more. I roll an five. Magi upon a five roll of the dice camps another night. I roll again. I roll an two. And, magi moves two more miles. Again i rolled. I rolled an four and magi entered into battle. Her opponent another giant cat. The first roll of the battle magi gets an one die and the giant cat the same, no strikes each. The second roll of the battle magi has a one dice and the giant cat a four dice and magi gets struck three times and block one of those strikes. The third roll of the battle magi gets an five die and the giant cat gets a two die. Magi strikes the giant cat three times and the giant cat blocks two of those strikes. Magi at ninety two percent health and the giant cat at seventy percent health, i roll again. The fourth roll of the battle magi has a six dice and the giant cat has a one dice and magi critically hits the giant cat five times and the giant cat blocks one of those strikes. Almost dead the giant cat has a four dice and magi has another six dice and the giant cat dies. Magi, she earns a hundred experience points,gets no gold and gains no items.

                                                             Day 30

I roll. I roll a six and magi moves six more miles. I roll again. I roll a seven and magi finds a merchant named Phil and sells all of her items for six hundred gold. I roll again. I roll an five and magi moves five more miles. Greatness is better known for its beauty and magi knows it well and i roll again. I roll an three and magi rests for awhile under an beholgarian tree. I roll once more. I roll an seven and magi discovers another merchant named steve and purchases and sells nothing. I roll for a gazillianth time. I roll an six and magi enters into battle. Her opponent an Giant bat. The first roll of the battle magi gets an six dice and the bat gets an seven dice and strikes magi once. The second roll of the battle magi gets an six dice and the giant bat gets an one dice and magi strikes the giant bat five times and the giant bat blocks once her strike. The third roll of the battle magi gets an seven dice and the giant bat gets an five dice and magi once again strikes the bat for two strikes and the giant bat blocked five of those attacks. The fourth roll of the battle magi has a four dice and the giant bat has a five dice and magi gets struck once again by th giant bat. The fifth roll of the battle magi gets an nine dice and the giant bat gets an five dice and magi strikes the giant bat for four strikes and the giant bat blocks five of those attacks from nine to five on the dice roll. The bat dies. Magi gains a hundred experience points,earns thirty gold and continues her journey of Beholgnar.

                                                             Day 31

Another battle for Magi had emerged on a farmstead creak bridge just shy of rock-lay as the road with a roll of six. The first strike Magi connects once a giant spider. The second strike ends for three more hits by Magi. On the third strike the spider enrages dealing three strikes back at Magi. And, on the fourth are saves for them both. The fifth strike engagement Magi strikes the spider once again. The Giant spider is dead. Magi, she earns eighty experience points. In continuing to travel greatness I roll a six and Magi moves six more miles. In next rolling an eight Magi enters another battle. The opponent is nothing but a baby dragon. And... The baby dragon flees the battle. Magi, she did not want to fight the baby dragon nor would an adult fully grown dragon be a wise fight either and she knew if there was a baby dragon nearby surely was a mother or another dragon fully grown. So, she either flee or the dragon flee and nothing else. I rolled again. I rolled a six. Near a camping tent on the open roll of rock n lay Magi is battling a giant swords man, another six roll. The swords man being well armored head to his toe with an oversized heaving axe prepares himself. The first rolled an eight leaving a four to four draw for the two of them. The second the same.The third Magi strikes once the giant swords man. Magi, still alive strikes the giant swords man again. And, then again Magi strikes once more the giant swords man. The sixth roll of the battle , being an eight, four for four each the giant swords man and Magi is a tie, even dice roll. And, then Magi hits again the giant swords man with a five to four roll. Last and not least Magi hits for two more strikes the giant swords man and the giant swords man gives up. Magi, her travels continue and she camped for the night a- healing her wounds and gaining her strength.

                                                       Day 32

I rolled an eight. Magi moves eight more miles to another rock lay path leading to a road. The next roll is seven and Magi finds a store cart and purchases nothing with only having a hundred gold and sells nothing. I rolled again. The roll is an eight again and Magi moves another eight miles. Magi, she sees that she is headed east and i roll again. Another eight is rolled and Magi enters battle. Her opponent she sees is a traveling huntsman. The first roll is eight Magi with five and the huntsman with three. Magi, she strikes the huntsman for two and the huntsman blocks for three. The second roll is four for Magi and a two for the hunstman and Magi strikes the huntsman again for two and the huntsman again blocks for two. The third roll is six for Magi and one for the huntsman. Magi, she again strikes the huntsman for five.The huntsman half dead and another roll is made. The roll is Five Magi and two the Huntsman and Magi strikes the huntsman for another two. I roll again. The roll is Magi three and the Huntsman four and Magi gets struck for one. Again i roll the dice. The roll is another six for magi and one for the huntsman and Magi strikes the huntsman for another five times. The huntsman retreats the battle. Magi, she gains no experience points, no gold and equips nothing.

                                                  Day 33

A roll of one and Magi reaches the farmstead of Magma. Magma is widely known in Beholgnar for her keen eye and education with Beholgnars terrain and its behavior. Magi meets Magma at The Farmstead Back Gate.

                                                   Magma Said....

Magi it is good to see you.
The animals they are mis behaving.
They. They are... Filled with anger.
We must find  out what is angering them.
Here take this four hundred gold for your troubles .
Now go! And , do not return until you have found out why the animals are so angry.

And , Magi had waved farewell to Magma and had went on her way.

                                                       Day 34

I roll. I roll an eight and magi moves eight more miles. Magi at the ruins of sinoptra i roll again. I roll a five and magi camps awhile. i roll again. I roll a nine and magi moves nine more miles.
In a grass field magi camps awhile longer. I roll again. I roll an eight and magi enters into battle her opponent A two handed mace man. The first roll of the battle magi has a eight dice and the two handed mace man has a eleven dice and attacks magi for three strikes and magi blocks eight of those strikes. The second roll of the battle magi has an eight dice and the two handed mace man has a five dice and magi strikes the two handed mace man for three strikes and the two handed mace man blocks Five of her strikes. The third roll of the battle magi has a eight dice again and the two handed mace man has a seven dice and magi strikes once again the mace man and the mace man blocks seven more of her strikes. The fourth roll of the battle magi has another eight dice and the two handed mace man has an eleven die and the mace man attacks magi three more times and magi blocks eight of the mace man strikes. The fifth roll of the battle and magi at fifty percent health,magi gets a nine dice and the mace man gets a seven dice and magi strikes the mace man twice more and the mace man blocks seven additional of her strikes. The Sixth roll of the battle magi gets an seven dice and the two handed mace man gets an six dice and magi strikes again once the mace man and he blocking magi's strikes six times. The seventh roll of the battle magi gets an six dice and the mace man gets a five dice and again magi strikes the mace man. The eight roll of the battle magi gets an seven dice and the mace man gets an four dice and magi kills the two handed mace man. Magi she earns thirty experience points and gains fifty gold plus items a imperial sword of summoning. I roll once more and i roll a five and magi camps until the next day.

                                                           Day 35

Magi north east of Beholgnar,i roll. I roll a three and magi moves three miles. At the ruins of Garthna, i roll again. I roll an nine and magi camps awhile. i roll after camp. I roll a seven and magi finds an merchant named Bordit and sells and buys nothing. I roll. I roll an four and magi moves four more miles. In a grass field away from the ruins of Garthna, i roll once more and i roll a seven and magi discovers another merchant named Hontrek and sells again nothing. I roll for a gillianth time and i roll a ten and magi enters battle. her opponent a dual wielding mace man. The first roll of the battle magi has a three dice and the dual mace man has a ten dice and magi gets struck seven time and blocks three of those strikes. The second roll of the battle magi has a five dice and the dualing mace man has a six dice and strikes magi once more. The third roll of the battle and magi at forty percent health , magi gets a eight dice and the dualing mace man gets a two dice and magi striked the dualing mace man six times. The dualing mace man half dead and on the forth roll of the battle magi gets a six dice and the mace man gets a five dice and magi strikes again the dualing mace man. The fifth roll of the battle magi has a nine dice and the dualing mace man has a six dice and magi slays the dualing mace man. Magi earns seventy experience points, gains four hundred gold and items an imperial cuirass. I roll. i roll a seven and magi rests the rest of this day.Magi equips the imperial cuirass and the imperial sword of summoning.

                                                          Day 36

Magi at the ruins of Farver, i roll. I roll an eight and magi moves eight more miles. I roll. I roll an twelve and magi enters into battle. Her opponent a human archer villan. The first roll of the battle magi gets an five dice and the villan gets an ten dice and strikes magi five times in addition magi blocks five of those strikes. The second roll of the battle magi has a seven dice and the villan has a five dice and magi strikes the villan for three. The third roll of the battle magi has a nine dice and the villan has a the same and they draw in battle. The fourth roll of the battle magi has an seven die and the villan has a ten die and the villan strikes magi for three. The fifth roll of the battle magi gets an eight dice and the villan gets an seven dice and magi strikes the villan once more. the sixth roll of the battle magi recieves an ten dice and the villan gets a four dice and magi defeats the human villan archer. Magi earns forty experience points, gets three hundred gold and items a pair of imperial greaves. I roll. I roll an nine and magi rests another day.

                                                                Day 37

I roll the dice. I roll a nine and magi moves nine more miles. I roll again. I roll a seven and magi discovers a merchant named morgan and sells nothing and purchases nothing. I roll again. I roll a nine and again magi moves nine more miles. At the camp moore,I roll. I roll a five and magi rests awhile. I roll. I roll a nine and again magi moves nine more miles. At the ruins of Archer, I roll again. I roll a four and magi enters into battle. Her opponent an elite rat. The first roll of the battle magi has a seven dice and the rat has a ten dice and magi gets struck three times,but, blocks seven of those strikes. The second roll of the battle magi has a seven dice and the elite rat has a seven dice and they each tie in battle. The third roll of the battle magi has a seven dice again and the elite rat has a two dice and magi strikes the elite rat five times and the elite rat blocks two of her strikes. The fourth roll of the battle magi has a eight dice and the rat has a four dice and again magi attacks the elite rat for four additional strikes and the rat blocks four of those strikes. The fifth roll of the battle magi has a nine dice and the rat has a four dice and magi again attacks the rat five more times and the rat dies. Magi earns sixty experience points, gains no gold and recieves no items. I roll. I roll a two and magi moves two more miles. I roll again. I roll a nine and magi rests this day to the next.

                                                                 Day 38

I roll. I roll a ten and magi moves ten more miles. I roll again. I roll a six and magi enters into battle. Her opponent a Brutal troll. The first roll of the battle magi has a three dice and the troll has a seven dice and magi gets struck four times blocking three of those strikes. The second roll of the battle magi has a five dice and the troll has a six dice and magi gets struck once more. The third roll of the battle magi has a six dice and the troll has a two dice and magi strikes the troll four times and the troll blocks two of those strikes. The Fourth roll of the battle magi has a seven dice and the brutal troll has a three dice and again magi strikes the troll for four strikes and the brutal troll blocks three of those attacks. The Fifth roll of the battle magi has a seven dice and the brutal troll has a four dice and magi defeats the troll. Magi earns two hundred and fifty experience points, gains five hundred and fifty gold and bags a pair of imperial gauntlets  which she equips.

                                                 Day 39


Level 2

exp. 1700-2000

Imperial cuirass
Imperial Gauntlets
Imperial sword Sum

All Abilities 30
Maces 32
Heal 32
Hit 32
Defence 32
Attack 32



Magi recalls her skills and auto camps and rests to the next day.

                                                                   Day 40

I roll. I roll a seven and magi moves seven more miles. I roll again. I roll a five and magi rests awhile at the camp Ismal. I roll agian. I roll a four and magi enters into battle. Her opponent a Brutal spearman. The first roll of the battle magi has a four dice and the spear man has a ten dice and magi gets struck six times. the second roll of the battle magi has a nine dice and the brutal spear man has a four dice and magi strikes the spear man five times,but,not without the spear man blocking four of her attacks. The third roll of the battle magi has a ten dice and the spear man has a five dice and again magi strikes the spear man five more times and the spear man blocks five more of those attacks. The fourth roll of the battle magi has a twelve dice and the spear man has a four dice and magi critticaly defeats the spear man. Magi earns a hundred experience points, gains a hundred gold and gathers a holy anklet. I roll. I roll a three and magi rests the rest of this day to tommarow.


                                                Day 41

Magi's skills are still at thirty two percent each in damage magic, healing magic, strike, escape,heal,hit,hit chance,movement,casting,hunting,spell hit, spell chance,maces,heavy armor and adventuring. Magi's major skills are intelligence, willpower and she is class mage as well as race Breton. Magi, in a grass field of Beholgnar i roll a seven. Magi moves seven more miles into a field of corn. I roll again. I roll a ten and Magi enters battle. Magi's opponent is seen to be a traveling swordsman. The first roll Magi has a six die and the traveler has a three die. Magi, she attacks the traveler three times and the swordsman traveling blocks three of those attacks. The second roll Magi again has a six die and the swordsman has a four die and Magi attacks him two times and he blocks Magi's attacks four times out of the six attacks that she had made. The third roll Magi has a four die and the traveling swordsman gets a three die. Magi , she again strikes the swordsman traveling once as the traveler blocks her three out of four strikes. The traveling swordsman now half dead, a fourth roll is made. And , is it not the same as the last roll made and Magi hits the traveling swordsman once more and the swordsman blocks three out of the four of Magi's strikes. The fifth roll Magi is critical and rolls a six again to the travelers one and the traveling swordsman dies. Magi, she earns ten experience points, she gains fifty gold and bags a hundred silver arrows.

                                                        Day 35

Magi still north east of Beholgnar heading south,i roll. I roll a three and magi moves three miles. At the ruins of Harnlan, i roll again. I roll an nine and magi camps awhile. i roll after camp. I roll a seven and magi finds an merchant named Baily and sells and buys nothing. I roll. I roll an four and magi moves four more miles. In a forest away from the ruins of Harnlan, i roll once more and i roll a seven and magi discovers another merchant named Norset and sells again nothing. I roll for the opteenth time and i roll a ten and magi enters battle. her opponent a dual wielding swords man. The first roll of the battle magi has a three dice and the dual swords man has a ten dice and magi gets struck seven time and blocks three of those strikes. The second roll of the battle magi has a five dice and the dualing swords man has a six dice and strikes magi once more. The third roll of the battle and magi at forty percent health , magi gets a eight dice and the dualing swords man gets a two dice and magi striked the dualing swords man six times. The dualing swords man half dead and on the forth roll of the battle magi gets a six dice and the swords man gets a five dice and magi strikes again the dualing swords man. The fifth roll of the battle magi has a nine dice and the dualing swords man has a six dice and magi kills the dualing swords man. Magi earns sixty experience points, gains two hundred gold and items an swordsman bandana. I roll. i roll a seven and magi rests the rest of this day.Magi equips the swords man bandana.

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